Brand Identity Case Study | Thermagal


New product development


Arlington Automotive acquired Magal Engineering in 2017. Magal Engineering is a tier one manufacturer of automotive thermostats, offering OEMs a single source supply of design, simulation, testing, wax elements, thermostats and plastic injection moulding. Thermostats are heavily used in plumbing and heating applications such as taps, showers, radiators, boilers and underfloor heating systems. The Magal factory in France partitioned its manufacturing facility to test and develop a range of thermostats suitable for plumbing and heating applications. Our goal was to define and launch a brand identity aimed specifically at this market.


We needed to develop a brand name and brand mark that resonated with heating and plumbing hardware manufacturers. As many of the brands were of French, German and Italian descent, the visual execution of the brand was of paramount importance. Building on the impressive track record Magal had in the automotive business where tolerances, delivery and quality are absolute, we combined ‘thermal’ and ‘magal’ to create the simple, yet effective brand name ‘Thermagal’.


The brand mark symbolised the flow of hot and cold water into a central feed, where the thermostat is housed. Uniting hot and cold water formed a ‘T’ to enforce the Thermagal brand identity. A colour palette of warm grey and gold was chosen to represent a premium quality product and the brass hue of wax elements. The suite of branded assets included a new website, several application animations, 3D renders of products and applications, literature, product leaflets and datasheets. The launch of Thermagal captured much interest from the European trade press, who featured the release in several titles. Followed by a direct marketing campaign covering social media, direct mail, email marketing and sample boxes.